1/10/14 - During this session we were looking at positive and negative space, and how this can help you to draw things more accurately by looking at the shapes of the negative spaces as well as the actual objects. Negative space is the spaces and gaps in between and around what your drawing. You can use the negative spaces to check whether what your drawing is in the right place or is in proportion or the right size etc. I drew a still life of various objects including stools, chairs, lamps and an easel which I thought would be very complicated and difficult to draw until I was shown how to draw just by looking at the negative space, using this new technique made it fairly easy to draw the objects and I think my drawing turned out pretty accurate and in proportion.
The materials I used during this session were just a 2B pencil and paper. Techniques I used during this session were drawing and measuring, and using negative space.
Areas of my work that I think worked well are using the negative spaces effectively, and creatin an in proportion and pretty accurate drawing. Areas of my work that could be improved are working quicker and completing the drawing so I could see the full effect but I still understand the concept of this idea and I can use this when drawing in the future. I extend my skills I used this in other sessions following this one and have looked at some other negative space drawings.
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