Friday, 7 November 2014

Pastel drawing of glass bottles

8/10/14 - In this session we were using pastels and charcoal to draw a still life of glass bottles. materials I used during this session were pastels, charcoal, sugar paper and a 2H pencil. techniques I used during this session were drawing, perspective, elipse, and positive and negative space. The formal elements I looked at were shape and form, tone, and colour.

Areas of my work that I think worked well are creating an accurate still life and how I have used the pastels. i had never really used pastels before so considering this was the first time, I was quite pleased with how my pastel drawing turned out. I think I have used accurate shading and have used the pastels and chalk well to make the glass look realistic. Areas of my work I think I could improve are drawing ellipses accurately and in proportion. to extend my skills I will look at other artist's pastel drawings and practice drawing ellipses.

1 comment:

  1. hey use a wet brush to paint each bottle one at a time. It will be more successful if they start with the lighter colors first wholesale liquor bottles
